Welcome to the website of the Manchester Circle of SRF. We hope you will find this information and these links useful.
Lessons for Home Study
The Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons for Home Study are intended for those who wish to undertake an actual practice of the Kriya Yoga path of meditation described by Paramahansa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi.
Welcome brochure
Download our welcome brochure for a brief introduction and information about our services MMC welcome brochure MMC welcome brochure
Meditation Guidance for Beginners
Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of Self-realisation of each member of the group by the law of invisible exchange of group magnetism.
To read in much more detail about meditation for beginners please see meditation guidance newcomers
General information about Meditation
Explanation of Healing Technique
Our Guru originated the Self-Realization Fellowship Worldwide Prayer Circle to serve all who request divine aid – and to send out to the whole world the healing light of God to promote peace and harmony.
To read more about the Healing Technique
Worldwide Prayer Circle World Wide Prayer Circle