Welcome to the Manchester Circle of Self-Realization Fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship was founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda for the purpose of disseminating Kriya Yoga, a definite scientific technique for attaining direct, personal experience of God.

Through its worldwide service and teachings, Self-Realization Fellowship seeks to awaken greater understanding of the harmony underlying all true religions, and a fuller expression in this world of the love that unites all people when they realise their oneness in God.

The Manchester Circle is composed of devoted members and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) a worldwide non-profit religious organisation with international headquarters in Los Angeles, California. 

We meet for meditation most Sunday afternoons. 

Please download our Welcome Brochure  MMC welcome brochure and see SERVICES for further information. 

It is recommended that you check our programme, email or call before attending in the event of a change to our services.

Our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, said, “Group meditation is a castle that protects new spiritual aspirants as well as veteran meditators.  Meditating together increases the degree of self-realisation of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism.”